This is Luke's BumbleBee mask. Not sure if he's in there or not, but I found this picture on my camera and I thought it was way cool!
Luke-BumbleBee, Alex-Optimus, Addy- Punk Pirate, B - Mix-n-Match, Noah - Whoopie Cushion. Great friends+ Candy+ Costumes= One Fun Night!!
Our carved pumpkins. Not too spectacular, but fun nonetheless! B's is up at the top, then Alex's, then Luke's. They all sketched out what they wanted and dad helped carve them.
My kiddos. Anticipating Halloween night!
Luke got to go with Kev to the parade at the kids school. He was pretty excited to wear his costume. He's sitting with some of his friends, waiting for the fun to start!
I don't know what the title of B's costume I called her the Mix-n-Match. Tattoo sleeves, Orange shirt, and striped hair. (I hope it doesn't stick!)
Optimus Alex in the parade.
So I should get "Mom of the Year" award for this. We went out trick-or-treating and were going along having a great time. I looked at Luke's feet, as we were making our way down the last street on our way home. I couldn't figure out why he was walking so weird. Then I saw his shoes. The wrong feet. Awesome! I was really on top of things that night!!
We had so much fun on Halloween day. I met some of my friends on Lehi Main St and we did some trick-or-treating along the store fronts. Apparently this is a yearly tradition. It's the first time we've gone. It was fun. Maybe we'll make it one of our traditions. Then it was home for a bit. I made Taco Soup (which was so yummy!!) and our friends, the Allen's, came over. After filling up on dinner, we got the kids costumes on and out we went. My kids are crazy. They RAN from house to house. I could barely keep up! We got to our friends house - he's a fireman, and she's a police officer. I was saying to Rob and Simone that we should have the kids say, "my back cops, my back"! (It's a line from a movie!) Next thing I know, I can hear Luke saying it up at the door. I laughed so hard. Between the shoes on the wrong feet and that, we had a few good laughs. What a great night!!
That's fun! Cracks me up about his shoes but I could so see that happening to him somehow!!! I want the Taco Soup recipe asap ok! We miss you guys already : )
The shoes are awesome! Mom brain is a killer
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