It's been awhile, but feeling like tonight's a good time to write. LOTS has changed in my world and I'm getting a headache just thinking about everything that's different...even from a few weeks ago!
I started the summer off on a HIGH! I ran with one of best friends/sister-from-another-mister a HALF MARATHON. Yep, I said that right. I still can't even believe it myself, but I did it! We did it! I couldn't have made it across the finish line without her. So, thank you Karalee, for not only keeping me going, but pushing me to do something different and challenging. Yet again. I also have her to thank for my crazy obsession with Crossfit. (In fact, a little side plug...the only training I really did before the 1/2 marathon was Crossfit. The farthest I had run total was 3 miles. It works, and I am a total addict!!) And now, it's one thing I get to cross off my bucket list! Anyway, the most awesome thing about the day, besides finishing the race was the fact that it was on my brother Aaron's birthday. June 11th. A day that I never forget and will have a wonderful feeling each year now. There were a few distinct times I felt him with me that day. I felt his hand on my back pushing me on several occasions. I dedicated my run to him. I know he was right there with me, every step of the way. I am grateful I got to be a part of Aarons life; for the short time he was on the Earth. I love and miss him, every day.
So, the NEXT day, I got up and drove to Arizona with the kids. I was a little stiff, but was able to make the journey just fine. The kids were fantastic in the car and only had to say, "if I have to pull this car over"... a few times along the way. My B girl was a HUGE help and was my co-pilot for the trip. She even stayed awake the whole time to make sure I had someone to talk to and keep me going. She was also my extra set of eyes in the disgusting gas stations we stopped at to make sure the boys weren't being watched! We had planned on Kevin coming down for a few days and driving back with us. However, the airlines decided to jack up the prices that weekend, so we opted to save our money. So, I made the dreaded drive home on my own. I really missed him this trip. Road trips just aren't the same. Once we made it to Arizona, the trip was a great one! We got in a lot of family time, swimming time, cousin-playing, friend visiting (thanks Linds, Beth, Skye & Christa!), more swimming, walks with my dad, shopping with mom, swimming, swimming and more swimming!! My kids are FISH! Alex is a pro at cannonballs and diving. Luke mastered swimming without the use of floaties this year. B would have stayed in the water all day and all night if I would have let her. In fact, they all would have! We rolled in at about 8 pm AZ time (9 pm UT time!) and the kids said HI to my parents, got their swimsuits on and they were straight in the pool. And it started again at 7 am the next morning. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time in the water. But, that's what we love to do on Arizona! We also celebrated Alex's birthday with all the family while we were there. (I'll have to upload some pics) It was fun. Although he misses out on the birthday celebration during the school year, we always get to celebrate when we go to AZ with all the cousins. It's such a treat, every year! Also, since this year we were there right around Father's Day, all of us kids decided to pitch in and get dad some new running shoes. (The ones he had were terrible and he was getting the "need" to run again. The man needed some good shoes!) It was fun to take him shopping and let him pick out a pair that we knew he'd put to good use. In fact, my dad, me, Kevin and my brother Jeff are all training for another Half Marathon to do in the Fall! I can't wait. It will be so much fun. On our way home, the TV decided to crap out before we even got to Wickenburg. I was worried the boys would get restless, but we had a BLAST! We sang songs, played games, and sang more songs. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. I will treasure that trip home always!
Once we were home (it was GREAT to be home and back to Kevin!) it was back to REALITY. And reality had a big kick in the teeth for me. The DOWN part was the falling out I had with my business partner. I ended up buying her out. I wish the transition could have gone smoother and that we could have communicated better with each other. The sad part is; a relationship is lost and feelings were hurt. Everyone keeps telling me that we were like sisters and we need to work it out. I hope eventually we can do that. Time will tell, I guess.So, I will continue with the Boutique for a while until I figure out what I am going to do. I am wanting to go back to school and I've also been given the opportunity for more hours with my work. I want to be home more with our kids.
And an update on the family:
Kev is doing great! He broke his ankle (roller skating, read that right!) in January. He had to have pins, metal, and something called a tight rope holding his ankle together. Surgery was a success...I got some pretty funny videos of him coming out of anesthesia. He is hilarious! day. All I can say is he has a mean right hook and the nurse was a good sport. He also sings "Saturday Night" (Bay City Rollers) really well. Me and his sister and his mom had a great his expense. Anyway, he's all healed up and after months of physical therapy, he's even doing a lot of running. I've been dragging him out with me on Saturday mornings for our long distance running. I've really enjoyed getting to spend that time with him and I love that we push each other harder and faster! You're a good workout mate, babe!
B is getting so big and gorgeous! She's 12 now and in Young Women. She LOVES it! She's really growing up to be a wonderful young lady. She has grown her hair out and has decided she wants to keep it long for awhile before she donates it again. She babysits a lot for us and we've loved having the opportunity to be able to get back to Saturday Date Night again! She takes great care of her brothers and loves the responsibility. (She also likes the money too!!) She did well in her last year of elementary school. She will soon be off to Junior High. (Wow, how did that happen!!) She took summer band this summer as well and has started playing the drums. I am in awe of her natural musical talent. I hope she sees what a gift she has and continues with it.
Alex is 9! He had a birthday on June 24th. He's such a good kid! He is really into Legos and Pokemon right now. He can usually be found on YouTube watching videos of both. (Typically with Luke watching over his shoulder!) He's a great big brother. He watches out for Luke. My favorite sounds are the two of them laughing and talking with each other. Some days, they would rather play with each other than with their friends. Those are my favorite days! Alex decided he wanted to take a break from his karate. So we decided to let him take the summer off. He has also decided that he wants to participate with a swim team. And, after seeing him at my mom's, I have no doubt that's exactly where he needs to be! So, swim team it will be.
Luke is Luke. Still crazy, sneaky, loving, cuddly, disctruct-o, funny, and yummy! He has been hit hard with his allergies lately, but he's been a real trooper. He takes his medicine and eye drops like a pro now! He graduated from preschool and will be starting Kindergarten in the Fall. He's pretty excited. He had some wonderful preschool teacher which helped him LOVE school. (We appreciate ALL the work and patience they put into a great program. Thanks Knowledge Explorers!) He is writing his own name, sight reads a few words, counts, sings, and tells some pretty darn good jokes! He mastered swimming at my mom's too. Yay, no floaties! He LOVES his family and tells us all several times a day. He's my little love bug!
As for me, I'm just trying to bounce back from the crazy hurdles that have been thrown. I was called to Young Women about a month ago, and now that I'm getting my feet wet, I'm LOVING it! It's so fun to see the youth in the ward growing up. They were just 5 & 6 years old when we first moved in. It's been a nice change from Primary. I've also been keeping busy with my store and my job from home. I LOVE my job and the flexibility it gives me. The store has been busy and taken me away from home more that I want to be away. But, time will tell how it will all play out. I just know I want to be home more! I am also going back to school in the fall to finish up by teaching degree and get my teaching certificate. I'm thinking 4th or 5th grade is where I want to be. We also decided to take our house off the market and stay put for awhile. We LOVE our neighbors, the kids have such great friends, and we love that more than we want to move. So, here is where we will stay for awhile. (We had to beat ourselves upside the head several times before we finally figured that one out!!)
Any who, now that this is the longest post're all caught up with our family. I'll upload some pictures soon, so everyone can see how the kids have grown.