Monday, April 6, 2009

Deflated, but not Defeated

The last few weeks have been a bit interesting for me. I have done a lot of internal investigation. I don't know everything, but there's a lot that I know. I have a family that loves me dearly. I am blessed in so many ways. The heart, mind, and body will eventually put itself back together, the best way it can. With a healing heart, some self destructive behavior can become part of a daily life. Before my sister passed away, I was on the "healthy" life plan. After she passed away, I kinda let it all go. I have put on a few "lb's" and have not kept up on my all. So, I had some choices to make. Kev and I have started the P90X workouts, and are doing them as we can. I haven't fully committed to them yet. I am working on it! Then, last Tuesday we were able to go to the gym together. It's been awhile since we have been able to do that. Last time we were there, we were able to run 2.5 miles without stopping. Well, going back into the gym, I knew that it was intimidating. Everything I worked so hard to gain before was gone. Or so I thought. I couldn't do the 2.5, but I did manage one. Today, I'll take it. I wasn't totally defeated. Just deflated. So, I am throwing myself into a better lifestyle, a better hobby, and a better me. Wish me luck!


Jaime said...

You can do it! Positive attitude is a good start. I would love to go walking with you if you ever wanted to. I always do better if I'm doing it with someone. Good luck!!!

Ann said...

I'm right there with you. It is so hard to get back into the routine, but I'll keep you honest if you keep me honest.

Ashley Mullen said...

Good for you Nikki. I keep telling myself, as long as I commit to do a little each day, I will eventually get bak to where I was before. Keep going, adn praise yourself often. Good Luck.

Lindsy said...

Good for you, girlie! I know you can do anything you put your mind to.

The Glenns said...

It is so hard to stay in shape. I am kind of lucky, I can starve myself and lose weight quick....but that's really bad. Exercise has to be worth it right? Actually, I am not a fan, but I like spending time with Dan and he is a fitness guy. And I always feel better when I try to be healthy. Definitely, kick the caffeine. It's bad stuff. Keep me motivated and I will do the same for you. By the way, I am coming up for Women's Conference. I really want to see you.

Flynn Fam 6 said...

It is so hard and I get so discouraged too! Good luck :)

Karen M. said...

You are so very awesome, I will take a page from your book and start a new me too! Love you tons thanks for the inspiration!