Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

B at the Easter Egg Hunt

Luke at the Egg Hunt

Alex at the Egg Hunt

The fam, minus dad...he was at work.

The 3 with their EMPTY Easter baskets. Yes, EMPTY. We got there literally about 5 seconds after the horn blew. My kids hit the field and looked around and ALL the eggs were gone. Luckily, we saw one of our neighbors walked by and his boy had a whole backpack full of eggs. (Wonder what time they got there to get up close enough to actually come away with more than 1 egg?) Anyway, his son so graciously gave each of my kids an egg. (Which is quite funny because I told B that I didn't want to go to the Egg Hunt because there would be millions of kids and they will probably only get 1 egg anyway!!!) Needless to say, the Easter Bunny will be hiding eggs around the house tomorrow for them to find. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Flynn Fam 6 said...

YEP! We passed on it this year. The kids are sad EVERY time we have gone. We decided not to even think about going this time. It is like this 1 million kids=10 eggs!!!