Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here's some pictures from the zoo. Kev's parents got us a zoo pass for Christmas last year and we finally went. The pass is good for 1 year from the 1st use. So, we've got some good zoo time coming our way! And from the looks on the kids faces with every animal we saw, we'll be using the pass often. We had a great time as a family and it was so fun to see how excited the kids were to see all of the animals. I love going to the zoo. So do my kids. The bird show was great too, as it is every time we go. I am always so grateful when we get to make such fun memories as a family.


Lindsy said...

Wait. You actually LEFT your house to go to a zoo? Isn't the zoo at your house? I'm confused...

Your Mommy said...

Lindsy posts the funniest comments!!
The pics are so fun... memories!!!