Yowza...I didn't realize this would be the first picture! Not the best of me, but a picture none-the-less! We had a fun afternoon out in the sun playing with friends. After a bit, we kissed dad and sent him off to work. Then, I fired up the Ranger and we went around the neighborhood a few times. We usually picked up one or two neighborhood kids and took them too. I tried to run Maggie next to us for a bit to get her some exercise. (I know, pure laziness on my part!) Didn't work too well. She tried to run in front of us and I was worried I'd run her over. So I put her up front with me and off we went! I love the wind in my hair and spending time with my kiddos on a wonderul Spring day!
Just a random picture of my Maggie-doodle.
Luke and Big Daddy. He stopped home for a bite to eat before heading back out to "fight some crime".
I just love this picture of the boys. Alex is just chillin' lookin' fly with his long hair. (We've been trying for about a month now to get him to cut it. No can do...yet.) And Luke - his sweet little Angelic personality is blazing right through!!
My sweet B.
We started St. Patrick's Day at the Orthodontist. The kids had all the pictures taken of their teeth and these were the last to be done. When I saw them, I burst out laughing. They looked so funny! I had to snap my own picture of this. I'll use it against them when they are about 16!!
As we finished up with the Orthodontist, we were directed to the "Finance Dept". I knew it wouldn't be good... Alex needs "Spacers" - he's been blessed with a very narrow mouth. (You wouldn't think so with all the talking he does!) He has NO room for his K9 teeth to come in and he's been without his front teeth or almost a year now. So, his Orthodontic care will cost us about $700. Not bad, but that's just Phase 1. For B, she will require at some point soon, a full-work up. A full mouth of braces to not only straighten her teeth, but align her jaw as well. Her bill - $4200. Not sure what the Insurance will cover - I am hoping a huge chunk of that. Let's hope for a good tax return this year!
Oh my heck $4,200 goodness sakes! Good luck with that, wew! They are so cute, I just love em <3
Liv needs to go to the orthodontist too. Who did you go see?
I need to move closer just so your kids can entertain me. :)
I can't keep having kids. How am I going to pay for all these things they need. I hadn't ever thought about needing braces and stuff like that!
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