Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Great Egg Drop

Bailey came home with an assignment. Create a carrier for an egg, that if dropped from a 2-story window the egg would not break. So, I gladly turned this one over to Kevin and he and Bailey got right to work. Kevin cut out 2 pieces of foam and Bailey helped him tape it together. They left a little slit at the top to get the egg into. After a lot of tape, Bailey wanted a parachute attached. So, with a little bit of yarn, and a plastic shopping bag...whalla...a parachute. Now the test. The top picture is Kevin getting ready to launch it out of the 2nd story window. The middle one is the landing, and the bottom...did it break?? NO WAY! Not with dad's expertise on how to make a great egg holder! She was so excited to get the egg out and see that it didn't break. She reported her success to her teacher the next morning. She did a great job on this project. She had a lot of fun planning the project with dad and then building it. Way to go Ba! She also named her egg holder... appropriately..."THE SURVIVOR"!!


Lindsy said...

SWEET! I tried this exact experiment in college. Only I didn't create an egg holder. And I aimed at people walking down the street and cars with sunroofs and/or convertible tops. So, yeah, maybe it's not the same thing.

Way to go, Bailey!!

Trish the Dish said...

I remember doing this experiment in school and having my dad help me. Can't remember the outcome though.... Good job Bailey & Kevin!

Mama Bear said...

How funny. I guess this is something that we all have to do in school! I remember how fun it was...and I'm pretty sure my egg survived the big drop, too! I love that she named her carrier! So cute!